Only Samsung S4 can do this 💀 #trol...
Okotanis Gami... 4 нд. -
Samsung S4 The Undisputed Goat 💀 #t...
Okotanis Gami... 4 нд. -
How iPhone Copy Samsung 💀 #trollfac...
Okotanis Gami... 4 нд. -
Respect 💀 #trending #trending #vira...
Okotanis Gami... 4 нд. -
Samsung S4 win 💀 #trollface #trendi...
Okotanis Gami... 4 нд. -
iPhone 16 beaten by Samsung 💀 #trol...
Okotanis Gami... 4 нд. -
Samsung S25 Ultra be like 💀 #trollf...
Okotanis Gami... 1 мес. -
Only Samsung can do this 💀 #trollfa...
Okotanis Gami... 1 мес. -
Samsung is the Goat in this 💀 #trol...
Okotanis Gami... 1 мес. -
Samsung always win 💀 #trollface #tr...
Okotanis Gami... 1 мес. -
Bro is Punisher 💀 #trollface #trend...
Okotanis Gami... 1 мес. -
Samsung S24 has finished the game💀 ...
Okotanis Gami... 1 мес.