Our Coaches never have it easy with...
The Voice 2 год. -
They're hitting notes we ca...
The Voice 2 год. -
It's always a good time whe...
The Voice 2 год. -
These girls are definitely having f...
The Voice 2 год. -
Our Artists are so mezmerizing | #S...
The Voice 2 год. -
This is going to be a realllll hard...
The Voice 2 год. -
Rachel Christine vs. JB Somers on M...
The Voice 2 год. -
Jerome Godwin III vs. Talia Smith o...
The Voice 2 год. -
Neil Salsich Nails His Performance ...
The Voice 2 год. -
NOIVAS vs. Ray Uriel on John Lennon...
The Voice 2 год. -
Chloe Abbott vs. NariYella on Snoh ...
The Voice 2 год. -
Holly Brand vs. Katie Beth Forakis ...
The Voice 2 год.