What's overweight in Japan?...
Rachel and Ju... 11 год. -
How to lose weight in Japan 日本でダイエッ...
Rachel and Ju... 11 год. -
How to make mochi! 【餅を作りましょう!】(字幕・1...
Rachel and Ju... 11 год. -
大富豪 Best Japanese card game with gi...
Rachel and Ju... 11 год. -
Mimei's End of the Year Tag...
Rachel and Ju... 11 год. -
Oasis 21 ~outdoor shopping center~ ...
Rachel and Ju... 11 год. -
Being LGBT (Gay) in Japan【同性愛者(日本)】...
Rachel and Ju... 11 год. -
アメリカで注意した方がいいこと 【Things to be caref...
Rachel and Ju... 11 год. -
Foods I miss the most from Japan! 【...
Rachel and Ju... 11 год. -
Muji & jewelry shopping in ...
Rachel and Ju... 11 год. -
いもほり Potato digging 【日英字幕】...
Rachel and Ju... 11 год. -
DIY Rice milling machine【精米機】日英字幕...
Rachel and Ju... 11 год.